
Norway is beautiful and hilly, and can be recommended for cycling trips at least from April to September. In winter, wheels with spikes are recommended due to ice on the roads.

Most roads are shared with cars. In many places, ferries may be needed to cross the fjords (it is important to check the time schedules). There are many tunnels; look at this map to see which are safe to bike.

Cafés are not found everywhere, so lunch stops should be planned. Quite often you may need to bring your own lunch and find a place to stop along the road.

Cycling routes suggested

Sandnes-Sirdal-Setesdal-Telemark (map link)

Sandnes – Byrkjedal – Fidjeland – Rysstad – Bykle – Haukeligrend – Rauland – Seljord – Lunde

Moi-Sokndal-Sandnes (map link)

Moi – Sogndalstrand – Egersund – Sandnes

Round trip from Stavanger (map link)

Nedstrand – Skjoldastraumen – Bjoa – Fitjar – Bekkjarvik – Leirvik – Etne – Sandeid

Round trip from Kristiansand (map link)

Kristiansand – Boen – Lillesand – Kristiansand